What's on?
New paper published in Brain
In this study we show that healthy people under S-ketamine, an NMDAR antagonist, and people diagosed with schizophrenia, a disorder associated with NMDAR hypofunction, spend more time in an external mode of perception - where noisy sensory signals override knowledge about the world.
New SNSF-funded project investigating the role of NMDA receptor hypofunction in psychosis
We are happy to announce this new collaborative project investigating the neurocomputational mechanisms of psychosis in a cross-species approach [more...].
Special Seminar: Prof. Anja Riesel (17.1.2025)
On Friday 17th January, the Translational Psychiatry Lab will host a guest speaker, Prof. Anja Riesel (Uni. Hamburg). Prof. Riesel will speak in the topic "Insights from Errors: Neural Error Signals as a Transdiagnostic Risk Marker" [more...].
Doc.Mobility@unibas for Lukas Sempach
Congratulations to Lukas Sempach for a successful application to the University of Basel's Doctoral Mobility (Doc.Mobility@unibas) grant! Lukas will spend 6 months at University College London's Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience in the research group of Prof. Jonathan Roiser.